The Green Beret in You: Living with Total Commitment to Family, Career, Sports and Life
The Green Beret in You is look at the way Green Berets live there lives through honor, integrity, and discipline. Our organization feels that American men, and men all over the world, could benefit from reading this book. The majority of American men have lost their warriorship and it is time they are reminded of the duties and responsibilities that come with being a man. The modern man has become characterized by doing the easy thing and not the right thing. This problem has become a plague on American society and our enemies all over the world know this. This book examines the mentality of men in our special operations units and the benefits of living your life as they do. This same mind set is not totally absent in our society but it is becoming more and more rare. Warriors are still among us and these are the people that the average citizen runs to in a time of crisis.