Run Before The Wind: Truths From Acts To Enjoy Life In The Spirit
God desires for you to live fully in His magnificent power — the power of the Holy Spirit. As an alert, humble, and teachable sojourner, you will run before the wind, catching the wind of the Holy Spirit in your sails, anticipating all of life in His power. As you spend eight weeks exploring guided devotions inspired from the book of Acts, you will — find out what being filled with the Spirit looks like in everyday life, learn from first century disciples such as Paul, Peter, and Stephen, who ran before the wind, and discover the excitement of the abundant life made possible by the Holy Spirit. You'll find short, inspirational selections from great devotional writers, Scripture verses to look up and reflect on, thoughtful questions inviting your response, prayer starters, and more. The book of Acts is an enriching source of instruction and encouragement for the mind and heart. Spend eight weeks in the book of Acts and your life will never be the same!