Pure Profit: To be, or not to be: (an entrepreneur) that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune...
It is a wish, a dream and a hope that’s experienced daily by ten million Americans (U.S. News and World Report, August 2, 2004) and millions more throughout the world: TO BE THEIR OWN BOSS—TO BE AN ENTREPRENEUR.
Written by two career entrepreneurs: PURE PROFIT extols the economic importance of small business; presents a witty testimonial to the virtues of successful owner/managers; debunks popular myths; argues the superiority of business skills over business capital and provides an extensive questionnaire for use by would-be entrepreneurs to evaluate their own potential for Profit and Success.
Complete with pithy quotes from historical icons, PURE PROFIT takes a unique view from ground-zero when addressing the issues of: marketing to reduce expenses, the true nature of competition, hiring, numbers and their relationships, business locations, big-boxes, partnerships, the benefits of re-locating, planning for profit, family finances, business schools, start-up financing, appearances, cash-flow, a retirement enterprise, purchasing for profit, budgets and assumptions vs. facts.