Catholic Laity in the Mission of the Church
What did Vatican II say about the laity? What role did the laity play in the early Church? What is clericalism? Is it a danger? Do lay people have vocations? How do I discern my vocation? What are some examples of lay apostolates? How can the laity evangelize the culture?
These are some of the questions Russell Shaw answers in his latest book on the role of the laity in the Church.
RUSSELL SHAW, in this new book, clearly explains the history of the role of the laity in the Church, clericalism, and the ‘restored’ vocation of the laity as envisioned by the Fathers of the 2nd Vatican Council. Not only does he describe the mission of the laity, Mr. Shaw outlines areas where the lay apostolate is most needed and gives guidance on discerning lay and religious vocations. Mr. Shaw’s conversational style makes the book easy to read while still having perceptive analysis of the threats to the laity’s vocation.