Live: Experience Christ's Life
Live! Experience Christ’s Life is an excellent resource for someone who wants to know God and experience His life. A person can find Christ and grow in Him by studying this book. The first chapter, Finding God, explains how to have a personal relationship with Jesus. The following chapters equip the believer to live an exciting Christian life. This book clearly explains how to pray, read the Bible, receive spiritual freedom, and administrate God’s resources. It’s a great book to use individually, in a small group, or in a classroom teaching setting. In the back section, there’s a coach’s guide to help someone else through the contents of this book.TABLE OF CONTENTS:Lesson 1: Finding GodLesson 2: Establishing a Strong FoundationLesson 3: Getting to Know GodLesson 4: Life with Other Jesus FollowersLesson 5: Living in VictoryLesson 6: Triumphing Over the Forces of EvilLesson 7: My Life and My WalletLesson 8: Baptism and the Lord’s SupperAppendix: How to Coach Someone using this MaterialIndex