Based on real events and personal experiences - yet presented as comical military fiction - Dink-Gadink depicts a week in the life of seven Plebes at the U.S. Naval Academy. Struggling to survive in an institution that overwhelms them on a daily basis, these seven Plebes are unique in their personalities and goals. Told from a humorous perspective in vivid detail, Dink-Gadink boldly takes the reader inside the hallowed walls of the U.S. Naval Academy. It depicts the hilarious and mischievous escapades of Homecoming week, leading up to a climactic football game against Air Force on Saturday. Finally, on a lazy Sunday morning, it reveals a priceless lesson about the true meaning of real world friendships that are formed in a crucible like the U.S. Naval Academy. Dink-Gadink is as close as a reader will ever become to actually being a Midshipman at the U.S. Naval Academy.