Grace Filled Marriage: The Missing Piece. The Place to Start.

Grace Filled Marriage: The Missing Piece. The Place to Start. image




Released: Oct 22, 2019
Format: Paperback, 290 pages
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What's Grace Got to Do with It?The missing ingredient in most marriages isn't love, it's grace. Love inclines us to get married, but we need grace to keep that love healthy, strong and committed. More than simply "nice," grace is that game-changing ingredient that enables us to treat each other the way God treats us—even when we don't deserve it.In Grace Filled Marriage Kimmel explores questions such as:How can you show grace when all your spouse seems to do right now is frustrate you?How can grace ramp up the frequency and temperature of your sex life?How do you show grave without being taken advantage of?How can God help you make grace the default mode in your marriage?Whether your marriage is just beginning, seems healthy, or is struggling on life support, a deeper understanding of the power of grace will help it not just survive, but thrive.

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