Rest Assured
[Order Now!] This 312 page hardbound volume contains the wit and wisdom of over twenty years of experience from Christian Life Ministries and Bill Ewing’s influence as a biblical counselor. “It’s just unbelievable,” said Todd Hillard, one of the book’s collaborative writers. “Even after the truck pulled up and we started opening boxes, my heart still didn’t believe it was there. We’ve already processed and mailed out more than 1650 books and I’m still not convinced it’s happening.” Bill Ewing, the author, is just relieved that the principles contained in the book can now be widely distributed. “We’ve been counseling tired, discouraged and broken people one-on-one for decades. Now we have a vehicle to reach thousands with this message of hope and healing. Every time we do a conference or speak at a church we are always asked, ‘Why don’t you have a book?’ Now we do. Now the message can spread.”