Revelation for Today
The book of Revelation is, beyond Controversy, the most misunderstood of all the sixty-six books of the Bible. The reason is that the events prophesied in this book were not possible until the present generation. The author has joined a few others in bringing the prophecies of Revelation on a Thrid Millennium A.D. level. What does Revelation mean to Christians today? What does Revelation Mean to the unsaved today? How can pastors make Revelation meaningful to their congreations? This is a chapter-by-chapter and verse-by-verse commentary preseted from a pre-millennial, pre-tribulational postion on eschatology. The setting for the theme of this book is centered on Revelation 11:18 where we find God's promise that Jesus is not coming to destroy this earth, but to --destroy them which destroy the earth.-- in view of the rising dangers to this world form new diseases, biological warfare, and nuclear destruction, without the promise of God in Revelation that Jesus is coming back, this world would have no hope. Dr. Hutchings has written over 100 books on prophetic and other biblical themes and subjects. He has also written thousands of articles that have appeared in various books and publications. The Bible reader will discover a new understanding of this exciting book. The unsaved will be challenged to accept Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and miss the coming Great Tribulation.