The Third Angel's Message:: 1895 General Conference Sermons
The following 26 sermons were given by A.T.Jones at the GeneralConference of 1895, as recorded in the General Conference Bulletin.This material has been reformatted, but not re-edited for the reader’senjoyment. The spelling, punctuation, andgrammar remain the unchanged.These sermons present the Righteousness of Christ in the context ofReligious Liberty.In the first several sermons, Jones lays the groundwork of the politicsof his day, showing the fulfillment of prophecy in the push for a union ofchurch and state.This may be a challenge for some, but if patient, the reader will berichly rewarded.Even though many of the issues of that day are gone, and most of theseorganizations no longer exist, the principles are forever the same!The angels have been holding back the winds of strife since the 1888era, and when God has a people who are willing to go all the way withHim—and there will be, for they have been prophesied to be—He willinstruct those angels to let the winds go, and we will find ourselves rightback where we left off.Spiritualism, a union of church and state, and the healing of the beast’sdeadly wound will manifest themselves in power in an overwhelming andsudden way.Praise God for these powerful, wonderful sermons wherein we find thecounsel of God given in this “most precious message”.It is our prayer that this Godly counsel will prepare you for what is justahead of us—for what has been delayed for over a hundred years for oursakes—not only for the time of trouble, but for the second coming of ourdear Lord and Saviour.The Publishers