Reiki The Ultimate Guide Learn Sacred Symbols & Attunements plus Reiki Symbols You Should Know
Reiki Book is part of Steve Murray s Reiki Certification program to become a Reiki 1, 2 or Master Healer. Heal Yourself and Others or start own Reiki Practice. To find out how to be Reiki Certified by Steve, contact him at his web sites by a web search. All content/courses are available Streaming and Digital.----------- Join Steve Murray New FB group the 21st Century Healer Psychic Reiki Spiritual Group and receive Three FREE downloads. 1. Meditation Grounding music offer, a 15-minute MP3 track off Alpha Journey CD. 2. a track off Steves Psychic vol 1. CD 3. Steve s Cancer Guided Imagery program for Cancer Surgery.----------- You do not need to be taught in person to learn Reiki. With Steve Murrays Reiki DVDs and Reiki books you will be able to receive Reiki Attunements and learn Reiki at home at your own spiritual and healing pace. Steves programs allow any person to receive Reiki Attunements and access Reiki teachings, no matter what their circumstances.------------ This first guide in the best-selling Reiki, the Ultimate Guide series makes Reiki knowledge accessible to everyone! It's the book some Healers do not want published. The book includes: Photos and Illustrations that show step-by-step how to activate and use Reiki Symbols, how to give and prepare for: a Reiki 1st, 2nd, and Master Attunement, Reiki Psychic and Healing Attunement. You will also learn how to Beam and Scan with Reiki, how to remove Psychic Debris, why the variations in Reiki Symbols, why Reiki Secrets are not needed, what to expect after an Attunement, and how to protect yourself, plus much more Reiki information.