Exclusively Pumping Breast Milk: A Guide to Providing Expressed Breast Milk for Your Baby
This is the first edition originally published in 2004. The second edition was published in 2013. Exclusively Pumping Breast Milk provides a valuable resource for women who have dedicated themselves to providing expressed breast milk for their children, for women considering the option, and for medical professionals who work with new mothers. From this comprehensive guide you will learn the realities of exclusively pumping; how to initiate and maintain your milk supply; how to boost your supply; options available in breast pumps and accessories; how to collect, store, and use expressed breast milk; how to overcome a variety of difficulties; how to wean comfortably; and more. The reasons women choose to exclusively pump are extremely varied: prematurity, illness of the baby or mother, separation, latch problems, and personal preference. It is possible to exclusively pump on a long-term basis and this book will help you do it successfully.