The Little Earth Book (Fraigile Earth series)
The Earth is now desperately vulnerable; so are we. This gift-priced-and-sized book contains original, stimulating mini-essays about what is going wrong with our planet and about the greatest challenge of our century: how to save the Earth for us all. It is pithy, yet intellectually credible well-referenced, wry, yet deadly serious. An all-new U.S. edition--the U.K. edition has sold over 40,000 copies!
Researched and written by an eminent British architect, James Bruges, The Little Earth Book is a clarion call to action, a mind-boggling collection of mini-essays on today's most important environmental concerns, from global warming and poisoned food to economic growth, Third World debt, genes and "superbugs." Undogmatic but sure-footed, the style is light, explaining complex issues with easy language, illustrations and cartoons. Ideas are developed chapter by chapter, yet each one stands alone. It is an easy browse--equally at home bedside, in the bathroom or in a briefcase.
The Little Earth Book provides hope, with new ideas and examples of people swimming against the current, of bold ideas that work in practice. Did you know:
- If everyone adopted the Western lifestyle, we would need five earths to support us.
- In 50 years the U.S. has--with intensive pesticide use, doubled the amount of crops lost to pests.
- Environmental disasters have created more than 80 million refugees.
Packed with easy-to-digest information, James Bruges spells out, clearly, concisely and with alarming documentation just what we're up against and what must be done.
,p>Presented in the same trim size as 50 Things You're Not Supposed To Know, this book continues Disinformation's line of value-priced, impulse purchase books.