Southern Fried Women
Released: Oct 01, 2008
Publisher: Satya House Publications
Format: Paperback, 256 pages
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Pamela King Cable has woven together the music, the language, the religions, and the traditions of the South. The result is Southern Fried Women, a collection of nine short stories about Southern women, and a few men, struggling to find answers to unanswerable questions, hoping for forgiveness, seeking righteousness, and questioning the existence of God in their lives. Cable writes Southern fiction in the true spirit of the rural South. She can ruffle the feathers of the most stoic, mess with the beliefs of the strictest fundamentalists, and reel you into her stories like a stubborn catfish meant for the fryer. These are stories about women who range in age from sixteen to ninety-six. They've been preached to, lied to and about, screamed at, broken, bruised, and just plain FRIED. They're burnt out on empty promises, dead-end jobs, junk cars, making ends meet, and cheating husbands. These are stories about women brave enough to start over again and again. They never give up, they just go home . . . wherever they decide home is. Once you have met these Southern Fried Women, they will be with you forever.
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