How to Say It and Write It Correctly Now
The Ultimate Reference Book, Containing Practical Grammar, Punctuation, & Spelling Rules, Homonyms, Medical Terms, Layperson's Legal Dictionary, Major Art Terms -- And More! This English-grammar and reference book contains a wealth of information, such as: 175 Latin and Greek roots, comprising the Foundation of the English language; easy-to-understand grammar, punctuation, and spelling rules; 1,100 homonyms (as, all ready/already) and pseudohomonyms (as, accede/exceed); layperson's legal dictionary containing 800 words and terms; 1,109 medical words with definitions and thousands of examples; origin and history of over 220 words and phrases (as, chauvinist, first cousin once removed, swastika, etc.); popular words that should never be used (e.g., biannual, duplicitous, etc.), and why they should not be used; and much more has been included, all for the edification and enjoyment of all speakers and writers who sincerely want to say it and write it correctly AT ALL TIMES.