How to Say It and Write It Correctly NOW
This English-grammar and reference book contains a wealth of information. A list of 175 Latin and Greek prefixes, roots, and suffixes has been provided which comprise the Foundation of the English language. Many practical grammar rules have been included, together with 22 punctuation principles and numerous spelling hints. The section on homonyms (as, all ready/already) and pseudohomonyms (as, disburse/disperse) contains over 700 word pairs, triplets, quadruplets, and even one quintuplet (carrel/choral/chorale/coral/corral)! Other sections include all eight parts of speech; the three basic forms of 73 troublesome verbs (as, go, went, gone); 366 words difficult to spell; 140 words difficult to pronounce; 151 popular abbreviations and acronyms; and explanations of 32 major art movements and periods (as, Impressionism). A Layperson's Legal Dictionary containing over 700 words and terms has been included to help those of us confused by "legalese." In addition, a grouping of 1,109 medical words with definitions and examples has been incorporated to help those of us bewildered by "medicalese." The Potpourri Section furnishes explanations of the marked differences of some 230 words and phrases (as, emigrate/immigrate, 1950's/1950s, disinterested/uninterested, some popular words that should never be used by anybody, etc.). And much more has been included -- all for the edification and enjoyment of all speakers and writers who sincerely want to say it and write it correctly at all times.