Mathematics for the Digital Age and Programming in Python
The vision behind this book is that math and computer science should help each other. A programmer needs to be comfortable with abstractions, and that is precisely what math teaches. Computer science reciprocates by providing models and hands-on exercises that help clarify and illustrate more abstract math. Most importantly, both teach "precision thinking" an important means of solving problems that call for exact solutions.
Python was chosen because it is a popular commercial programming language that is well-supported, easy to get started with, and free. Python has many powerful features intended for software professionals, but it also has a convenient subset accessible to beginners.
Some students may choose to study AP Computer Science in high school, or major in CS in college. Others may decide to go into math, science, law, art, social sciences, or humanities. Regardless of your goals, Mathematics for the Digital Age and Programming in Python will help you gain a better understanding of the computerized world around you.