God Created You: Ab Guide To Temperament Therapy
There are five pure temperament types:Sanguine, Melancholy, Phlegmatic, Supine andCholeric. ....How a person behaves is a combination oftemperament, living in the strengths and/orweaknesses of their temperament, environment,decisions they have made or not made,conclusions they have drawn or not drawn aboutright and wrong, their relationship with God orlack thereof, etc.Temperament is not the deciding factor in aperson's behavior. However, it is the first ofseveral building blocks of a person's behavior andpersonality. When our temperament and ourbehavior are more in line, our temperament traitsare visible in our natural behavior, then stress,anxiety, and the related problems are greatlyreduced.Living in the temperament strengths willresult in a happier, more fulfilled life at home, atwork, and at play. In order to live in thetemperament strengths, it helps to know thestrengths and weaknesses of the Sanguine,Melancholy, Phlegmatic, Choleric and Supinetemperaments. Be all you can be ? do not jointhe Army, learn about temperament.- Dr. Rick M artin