The Whole Enchilada: Hispanic Marketing 101
Hispanics are warm people. Most prefer a hug to a handshake, but they also want that "hug" to be respectful and honest, not just a ploy to gain their business. Using his many years in research and advertising, as well as his experiences being raised in a Hispanic family, Juan Faura talks straight about your Hispanic customers, from a Hispanic point of view.
The Whole Enchilada is a practical guide to selling to Hispanics in the U.S. Take a look at the top 30 Latino markets and find out which advertising vehicles, organizations, and resources are available in each one to assist you in developing and executing a marketing strategy. Scores of easy-to-apply tips will help you make your business Hispanic friendly.
In The Whole Enchilada, you will find:
• Eight Laws of the Hispanic Universe
• Five phrases that will immediately engender a connection with any Latino consumer
• Twelve commonly assumed characteristics of Hispanic culture, and what you need to know about how the culture is changing
• Profiles of Eight individuals who represent the many faces of U.S. Hispanics
• Which media are best suited to your objectives
• Where to find help when you need it
Especially written for the small business that is trying to adapt to a changing environment, The Whole Enchilada also contains wisdom for major corporations who are willing to recognize that Hispanics are an important part of the diverse U.S. customer base.