The First Commandment: Be Fruitful and Multiply
Have you ever considered why God created you?
The Bible teaches that the principle reason God created us was to have a relationship with Him. And His design for this relationship is rooted in the first recorded words He speaks to man, "Be fruitful and multiply."
If you desire to understand God's purpose for you, a study of The First Commandment is a good place to begin. Author William H. Noah discusses how God's initial precept to be fruitful and multiply is given again and again throughout the Scripture to generations of believers. From the Garden of Eden to the parable of the sower, Noah explores the physical and spiritual meanings of fruitfulness and multiplication, as well as their role in personal intimacy with God and the spreading of the Gospel. As you discover how the True Vine can make you bear spiritual fruit that contains the seed of Christ, you will begin to experience the life you were created to live--a life of abundant, fruitful living.