Tea with Miss Rose: Recipes & Reminiscences of Boston's Teacup Society
This book is a beautifully designed Tea Book. It describes how to have a perfect Boston Brahmin tea party. With some 'archness' and tongue in cheek, this delightful book describes in detail everything one needs to know to succeed at giving the perfect Beacon Hill tea. The authors have arranged this "how to" book around Miss Rose Standish Nichols, America's first woman landscape designer. The period covers turn of the Century Boston up to the 1960's. If you have but one tea book, this should be it. The book has taken tea recipes used for Miss Rose's teas and brought them up to date. Mary King, Miss Rose's devoted Irish Housekeeper is also featured in the book, along with Rose's Aunt and Uncle the scupltor Augustus Saint-Gaudens. It gives a good look at the Cornish Colony in New Hampshire during its early days. The book won the New England book Show award for excellence. Other areas of interest included in the book, are Bell ringing--the Nichols' family pastime, and many side bars with anecdotes about the Brahmins of Beacon Hill.The Nichols' house, now a Museum open to the public at 55 Mount Vernon Street on Beacon Hill in Boston, is where it all takes place.