What to Do for Your Teen's Health: Easy to Read - Easy to Use (What to Do for Health)
My teen does not want to do homework. My teen is being bullied. My teen is always angry. My teen won't listen. What should I do? What To Do For Your Teen's Health provides answers for major concerns and problems that parents will encounter with children during their preteen and teen years. The book's easy-to-read and easy-to-use style enables parents to quickly move through the text and obtain advice and knowledge that will add to their parenting skills.What To Do For Your Teen's Health uses easy to read language with useful illustrations. The book explains what the teen is experiencing and how parents can approach the teen. Issues such as eating problems, self-esteem, bullying, sex, and drugs are discussed in an unbiased manner. Each topic is addressed using these 4 questions: What is it? Did you know? What can I do? When should I get help?