'The Louisiana backdrops of these poems are not the moss-draped oaks and iron-festooned balconies of a thousand tourist brochures, but gritty snapshots of junkyards, ?junque? shops, honky-tonks, trailer parks, bingo palaces, casinos, washaterias, and toxin-poisoned bayous. Through these dismal landscapes wander a surprising pair of literary ghosts: French convict-poet, Franҫois Villon, feeling thoroughly at home with his fellow sinners, and Chinese scholar-poet Li-Po, drunkenly searching for his lost pastoral world. It's about time that Southern ?grit lit? crossed over from fiction into poetry, and Alison Pelegrin is just the poet to pull it off.'Julie Kane, author of Rhythm and Boozefor more infohttp://concretewolf.com editors@concretewolf.com