Minions: Fearsome Foes (D&D d20 3.0 Fantasy Roleplaying Supplement)
2002 ENnies Nominee: Best Monster Supplement
Within these pages reside monsters that haunt the worst nightmares of heroes from across the land. From the crushing blows of the ebant to the deadly attacks of the ulatra, adventurers from any world have new challenges awaiting them. Each monster is written world-neutral, allowing easy placement into any campaign setting. Every monster contains a wealth of advice on how to best incorporate them into your world.
What's inside of Minions: Fearsome Foes? More than 90 monsters, including three new templates (the Crowd, the Fallen, and Half-Troll), 6 new inner-planar creatures that are the perfect familiar for spellcasters, and monsters that are unique choices for player-character races. The Challenge Ratings (CR) of the monsters within Minions range from 1/8 to 20, providing a wide assortment of challenging opponents no matter what level your campaign.