Persistence is Power! A Real-World Guide for the Newly Disabled Employee
Newly disabled? Yes. Powerless? Not anymore!
Persistence is Power! is a complete, nationwide disability resource to help you through the entire disability process. Packed with step-by-step-instructions, checklists, forms, examples, answers to FAQs, Internet sites and other resources, this book is a must-read for newly disabled employees, their caregivers, and anyone who works for organizations that serve them.
Persistence is Power! provides information about all three of the major disability benefit plans—Social Security, Disability Insurance, and Workers’ Compensation—as well as other benefits. Written in simple language, with headings and key words in blue, readers can quickly locate and easily understand the information they need.
Learn how to develop your own coping strategy; decide if long-term disability is right for you; determine eligibility for disability benefits; gather evidence and prepare a winning claim; manage paperwork; deal with financial, medical, legal, and privacy issues; and avoid common disability traps. Armed with real-world facts, you’ll be back in the driver’s seat, making informed decisions that affect you and your family/loved ones.