Physics Fundamentals
Physics Fundamentals by Vincent Coletta meets the needs of all algebra-trigonometry based college physics courses. It is also appropriate for advanced high school physics courses.Over the book's 10 year development period, Dr. Coletta conducted extensive student reviews and thorough class testing to ensure the text is understandable and interesting to a wide-range of students. Dr. Coletta's research in PER (Physics Education Research) has provided better understanding into student reasoning skills and strategies to address difficulties students encounter in learning physics. Thousands of students used Physics Fundamentals in manuscript form, and peer review panels examined the material for clarity and accuracy. This extraordinary development effort has produced a textbook that is exceptional in its use of direct, concise language to convey ideas and its explanation of difficult concepts. Chapters open with an overview of how physics concepts relate to topics of interest to students. Wherever possible, abstract physical concepts are introduced by appealing to common experiences that illustrate the concepts. Numerous applications of physics to biology, technology, sports, and everyday life are included throughout each chapter.The art program is unsurpassed in a physics text. 1500 photographs and illustrations help clarify physics concepts for today's visual learners. Three-dimensional perspective drawings are used extensively throughout the text and illustrations often accompany examples. Two kinds of essays are provided throughout the text. In Perspective essays are short biographies of physicists who have made some of the most important discoveries in physics. They offer enough depth to humanize their subjects and to help understand what motivated their discoveries. Closer Look essays are discussions of physical principles and applications that encourage the student to think about subjects likely to arouse interest.