Sublime's Brad Nowell: Crazy Fool (Portrait of a Punk)
Title: Biography of Sublime's Brad Nowell This is the first book ever about multi-platinum ska/punk/reggae band Sublime's frontman Brad Nowell. Inspired by the rich musical legacy he left behind, "Crazy Fool" is a 152-page stunning, visual interpretation of the late musician, who became the posthumous voice of the extreme generation. A collaboration between the Estate of Bradley Nowell and author Heidi Siegmund Cuda, "Crazy Fool" is a rule-shattering, graphic biography that takes as many chances as Sublime's music--indeed, the music that inspired it. Contributors include Brad's father, James Nowell; his widow, Troy Nowell; Sublime drummer Bud Gaugh and bassist Eric Wilson; and sister, Kellie O'Reilly--among others. Each section contains rare photos and original artwork. Check out to view sample pages. Proceeds from the sale of "Crazy Fool" go to the Jakob James Nowell Scholarship Fund.