Top Titles and Tips Too! for all of life's common and not-so-common scrapbook topics, scrapbooking
Top Titles and Tips Too! will provide just the right words to sum up the event or the emotion of the day, whether your project is cute, serious or wonderfully whimsical. Top Titles and Tips Too! is much more than just your largest resource of titles; there are several ways this book can help you create with greater ease than ever before. You will discover: *Approximately 4,000 titles for 300 of the most common (and not-so-common) scrapbook topics. *Suggestions listed throughout the book to help personalize your title and layout according to the specific subject. *Cross-references to insure consideration of all appropriate titles. *A section of tips to inspire and personalize your own title. *Blank lines for inspired ideas. *Helpful design tips located throughout the book. *Suggestions for using this book to its fullest potential. *An easy-to-use table of contents. *An exciting tool that is useful for teachers, scrapbookers, writers and any crafter that needs an attention-getting phrase for a project.