Extraterrestrial Sex Fetish
Fiction. Through its profile of Mercury de Sade, a computer programmer obsessed with the erotic potential of alien life, EXTRATERRESTRIAL SEX FETISH introduces a new perversion into the lexicon of sexual pathologies: exophilia, an abnormal attraction for aliens. "What Kubrick did to the science fiction film, EXTRATERRESTRIAL does to the science fiction novel...a kind of 2001: A Space Sodomy"--Dr. H. Floyd. "If the Marquis de Sade invented an astonishing new branch of mathematics, in which series and sets of bodies were subject to formal operations of pain and degradation, EXTRATERRESTRIAL is the first to apply this new math to cosmology.a kind of 120 Days of Saturn"--P. de Curval. Supervert 32C is a media company that utilizes the techniques of vanguard aesthetics to research the pathology of novel perversions.