The Upper Mississippi Valley : How the Landscape Shaped Our Heritage
This book describes how the landscape shaped the historical development on lands in the Upper Mississipi Valley. It begins in 1700 with the exploration by the French traders and concludes by describing hows the regged landacape shaped the location of railroads and highways.The lands described extend from the Davenport-Rock Island area to the Twin Cities.
This book is the first to expore the locations of the early French trading road between the Mississippi River and the Missouri River. the French called this route, the Chemin des Voyageurs, meaning "the route of the traders".
The book contains 159 photographs and maps, many of them early maps and survey documents. Ancient geologic processes are described as the basis for forming the scenic landscape which met the first explorers and town builders. The book describes the cultural basis for dispossessisng the Native Americans of their lands and their movement westward to make way for Whites.Early military roads and other early trading roads are described and mapped. There is a discussion of the American Land Ethic and the values associated with owning land going back to the historical origins of the Founding Fathers. The unique land settlement and land surveying methods are described. The book is part essay, and describes various cultural and environmental issues, values and challenges confronting the Mississippi River and its adjacent scenic lands today with future outlooks described.