Salon Fundamentals, A Resource for Your Cosmetology Career: Study Guide
The Salon Fundamentals Study Guide gets students to combine new knowledge with what they already know. Also provided are extensive recall and proficiency learning tools. The Teacher's Study Guide is designed just like the student's, but includes all the answers, so teachers can lead students proficiently. All learning aids are divided into seven Mindframes — proven methods of increasing brainpower. The seven Mindframes are: Previewing—Prompts at the start of each chapter steer students in the right direction. Naming—A proven note-taking method that improves listening skills, helps manage information and clarifies connections between important ideas. Connecting—Helps students understand concepts from a different perspective by connecting thoughts with visuals. Self-Checking—Practice tests that help students identify what information they understand and what they still need to study. Applying—Group and individual activities that promote communication and problem-solving skill