Body Basics Fore Golfers: Stay in the Game, Avoid Pain
As a golfer your body is important to you...yet most people don't realize the impact everyday living is having on their bodies. We place a tremendous amount of physical strain on ourselves with prolonged sitting, with repetitive activities and even with poor standing and resting habits. The long-term effects develop innocently, are often overlooked, but then become chronic enough to take you out of the game.
The physical complaints of golfers are often preventable. Most problems are either lifestyle related or result from improper warm-ups and lack of conditioning. Discover the causes of unnecessary body pain and learn simple, proven steps to avoid them, on and off the golf course.
"Body Bacics Fore Golfers" is an easy-to-read and a well illustrated guide for all ages and playing abilities. It covers a variety of topics such as year round conditioning, pre-season preparation, game warm-up and cool down, tired muscles, healthy habits on the course and tips for carrying golf bags and other devices.
Time constraints may prevent you from playing golf as often as you would like -- pain and lack of physical well-being should not!