Cat Tails: Some of My Best Friends Are Cats
Cat Tails is the story of a group of felines who eventually become a family. Cats are by their very nature ei ther loved or hated. Most find a safe haven in which to live out their lives and the person who shares this time is indeed enriched. Four gentlecats and one lady cat all of whom come from very different beginnings now coexist in some degree of harmony. Minkey the Siamese considers himself lord of the pride while Chuck just wants to be certain there is ample food in his dish at all times. Nathan a Maine Coon is the outdoorsman who ventures forth in all wea ther-well sort of Mouse the pure white Persian just loves to be around people and Miss Kiss who never lets anyone forget that she is a lady with attitude. Readers will enjoy meeting these personalities and the anecdotes will make you laugh or bring a tear to your eye. This then is their story and a few tales of their friends