Montessori-Based Activities for Persons with Dementia, Vol 1
Persons with dementia need cognitive stimulation, along with opportunities to successfully and meaningfully interact with their physical and social environments on a regular basis. These persons have needs similar to those without cognitive impairment: the need to feel self-worth, the need to express one's thoughts and feelings, the need to have a sense of belonging, the need to have a sense of accomplishment, and the need to have a sense of order. Many of the problems associated with dementia can be traced to the inability to meet these needs. This manual provides stimulating, interesting, and challenging activities that can be performed successfully as a means of helping persons with dementia. This manual was edited by Cameron J. Camp, Ph.D., psychologist and senior reserch scientist at Myers Research Institute, Beachwood, Ohio. He and his staff have been successfully implementing these activities in individual and small group activities.