This Is a Brand New Day: A Handbook for Living Consciously
This is a Brand New Day invites readers to be better than they ever dreamed they could be. It teaches conscious thoughts and behaviors, spontaneity, appreciation of sensory gifts, development of conscious characteristics, building of relationships, participant rather than bystander behavior and developing a daily practice.Much more than a daily calendar, it is a handbook for human development- the kind that embraces the physical, mental, spiritual, emotional and the relational aspects of life.
Choose to live consciously and make a difference.One person impacts the lives of thousands. Be the one.
Each daily suggestion is keyed to a chapter in CHOOSE LIFE LIVING CONSCIOUSLY IN AN UNCONSCIOUS WORLD, allowing the reader to delve into that particular subject.
The thematic index and glossary of conscious characteristcs help the reader to focus on a particular area of development. For example, if you want to work on becoming more patient,look for the definition of patience in the glossary. This gives you a clear goal. Next, find the word patience in the index and study all the pages listed there. Each one gives a thought or activity to help you become more patient.