Peter Squared
Peter, a habitual peep show visitor, dreads dirt, fears contamination, and lives each day certain he will go mad. He adheres strictly to many self-imposed rituals, hoping to contain the demons in his head. One day, he meets John, a chronically ill, mental patient. They form an odd, but deep bond, affecting each others' lives. In the end, John dies triggering Peter's long awaited breakdown, which he learns is no big deal.
A literary novel, Peter is both serious and humorous. Odd as they may be, the types most people turn away from, Peter and John share with the rest of us basic needs to live without fear and be in charge of our destinies. In the book, I take controversial positions on the mentally ill, psychiatric treatment, sex and pornography, and raise many pressing questions, i.e.: Are neglected and abused children better off protected or left alone? Is smoking really bad? Does fellatio violate Jewish dietary laws?