Jews and the Muslim World: Solving the Puzzle
Was there a golden age when Muslims and Jews lived together peacefully, or is the story more complex? What has happened between Muslims and Jews in the past few centuries that has so poisoned interactions between the two? And, most important, what can we do about the relations between Muslims and Jews now? This publication features thoughts from historians, scholars and activists who all participated in a conference held by The International Institute for Secular Humanistic Judaism in 2007. It was also a memorial tribute to Rabbi Sherwin Wine, founder of the Humanistic Judaism movement, which emphasizes that you do not have to be religious in order to consider yourself Jewish. This volume offers selected proceedings of that event, including presentations by media commentator and professor Fawaz Gerges, Anti-Semitism expert Yehuda Bauer, Sephardi/Mizrahi Jewish specialist Jane Gerber, progressive Muslim scholar Amir Hussain and others.