Name Your Passion: A User's Guide to Finding Your Personal Purpose
Each of us is here for a unique and important reason that no one else can fulfill - our personal purpose. When our work is at odds with our purpose, we experience stress, fatigue, and an undercurrent of discontent that can spill over into the rest of our lives. But, when what we do matches why we're here, we create the path to one of the greatest joys in life - our true passion.
"Name Your Passion" is a friend and guide along the way to discovering what you'd love to do with your life and how to do it. It's also the story of someone who - like many of us - woke up to find that although he'd done everything he thought he was supposed to do, he was no longer happy. It's a map, a companion, and a detective manual for people who'd like to make a real difference and have a great time doing it!