Human Health and Homeostasis: Body Balance, Measuring and Mapping the Steady State
Since before the time of Hippocrates, there have always been people who understood that healing can occur naturally in the human body if it is given what it truly needs a proper diet, pure water, fresh air, sunlight, exercise, and rest. Over the years lay practitioners and doctors developed systems of natural healthcare based on these principles, and by the beginning of the 20th Century, Dr. Benedict Lust had formalized the practice he called naturopathy.
Some may be skeptical; they may find it difficult to embrace the naturopathic philosophy without hard scientific evidence to validate its effectiveness. To help substantiate this important area of study, Dr. Emanuel Cheraskin brought considerable talents, knowledge and expertise to the task of documenting the tangible benefits of holistic health. He initiated an ongoing peer-validated naturopathic research program to gather objective data on holistic health, with scientific follow-up and analysis. These findings, published in peer-reviewed journals, show the benefit of naturopathic teachings and a holistic lifestyle.
Dr. Cheraskin s 24th book, Human Health and Homeostasis, explores and documents the scientific basis behind one of the fundamental principles of naturopathy balance or homeostasis. Herein are the building blocks to robust physical and emotional health.