What Every Professional Organizer Needs To Know About Hoarding
Compulsive hoarding is a complex disorder. This book provides professional organizers, social workers, mental health practitioners and anyone who encounters people who hoard, with the basics about the disorder. You ll learn the psychological underpinnings and the organizational challenges of people who acquire and save so excessively that they undermine the health, safety and comfort of their own home. This is a hopeful book that examines creative collaborative approaches including combinations of organizing and therapy, self-help efforts, support groups and other means for making a difference in the life of a person who hoards. The Foreword is written by Dr. David Tolin, a foremost authority on the topic. The author is Judith Kolberg, the founder of the National Study Group on Chronic Disorganization. If you work with, love or are a person who hoards, this book is for you.