Putting the Pieces Together: A Practical Guide to Recovery From Borderline Personality Disorder by Joy A. Jensen (2004) Paperback
Whether you've been diagnosed, you recognize yourself in the criteria or someone has suggested to you that you might suffer from BPD, this book is a definite 'must-have' in your library as you work toward achieving a healthier, happier lifestyle. Putting The Pieces Together is a practical guide to recovery from Borderline Personality Disorder by teaching the reader how to achieve healthy, happy living. While the book is primarily geared toward helping a person living with BPD, anyone may benefit from the simple but effective techniques offered. This book is quite unlike any other currently on the shelves. While there are some truly wonderful sources available to Borderlines, most are written by professionals in the mental health field and offer only a clinical, impartial understanding of the disorder. Putting The Pieces Together is the first book of its kind to offer both sides of the coin. As it dissects the diagnostic criteria of BPD, it also explores the psyche of a Borderline