The Dumbbell Nebula (California Poetry Series, 3)
Poetry. Whether describing the Devil reciting poetry in Hell, the faith of uprooted mice, or a last encounter with a doomed friend, Steve Kowit's poetry has chosen, in the manner of certain Sufi tales, a disarmingly earthy presence. Rhapsodic and hilarious by turns, this poetry is as engaging and accessible as vivid prose. Steve Kowit is the author of several collections of poetry and IN THE PALM OF YOUR HAND: THE POET'S PORTABLE WORKSHOP; he has also translated Pablo Neruda's INCITEMENT TO NIXONCIDE AND PRAISE FOR THE CHILEAN REVOLUTION and edited THE MAVERICK POETS anthology. The recipient of an NEA and other awards, he has published work in numerous anthologies and journals including The Los Angeles Times and The New Yorker. He teaches at Southwestern College in Chula Vista.