Ice Festival (Jackpine Point Adventures) (A Jackpine Point Adventure Series, Vol 2)
Five young friends (two girls, three boys) live on Jackpine Point on the shore of the Big Lake and have funny but thought-provoking adventures. In this second of the Jackpine Point Adventures series, narrator David Malloy gets caught in an apparent spy ring when the Pointers enter the Winter Fun Frolic on the frozen Bell Harbor Bay. The grand prize is a cherry-red snowmobile which they plan to own jointly and paint "Official Jackpine Point Snowmobile" on the side (or if that's too long, just "J.P."). Their chief competitors are the high-class team from Diamond Hill. Each of the five Pointers has a favorite event and tries to get the others to spend all their time practicing for it--Snowball Slow Pitch, B'Icicle Race, Snowshoe Sprints, Singin'-in-the-Snow, and the major event: the Ice Sculpture Contest. Then somebody sends a mysterious message saying "SABOTAGE." Other messages keep showing up, all in the shape of a diamond. Is it a warning? A trick? Or something else entirely?