Microarrays Methods and Applications: Nuts & Bolts (The Nuts and Bolts Series)
The confluence of robotics, biotechnology, computer sciences and the completion of genome sequencing efforts for several organisms have resulted in revolutionary changes in how biomedical research is carried out. In recent years high-density arrays of specified DNA sequences have gained in popularity. Genomics and informatics are playing increasingly important roles as discovery tools in the basic biological sciences, and as diagnostic and rational therapeutic aids in the clinical arena. The genesis of this publication was a microarray workshop organized by Dr. Gary Hardiman and The Department of Bioscience at The University of California San Diego Extension. Gary Hardiman is the Director of BIOGEM (an organized research unit and core facility) specializing in high throughput genomic approaches, including DNA microarray technology and bioinformatics. He also teaches at the University of California San Diego Extension (Bioscience) Drug Discovery and Development Professional Certificate Program. The combination of his experience at a core facility and teaching obligations has contributed to the publication of a book that serves both as a practical laboratory manual and a class reference for teaching microarray technology. The book provides both an introduction and detailed overview of microarray technologies in academic and industrial settings. It examines evolving technology standards for microarray research, explores automation and instrumentation in the array laboratory, and discusses in detail the set up and operation of a microarray core facility.