Walk There! 50 treks in and around Portland and Vancouver
Each of the 50 Walk There! routes begin and ends near a bus or MAX light rail stop. Users can access TriMet's Trip Planner to plan a trip to find exactly when the ride is coming. The legend clearly illustrates where there are schools and universities, parks, libraries, picnic areas, restrooms, and points-of-interest. With Walk There!, the little pocket-sized guidebook in hand, people can locate their walking destination. If they need to arrive using transportation, Walk There! has figured that into the map's details. People will see how much closer they live to places like movie theaters, antique shops, historic neighborhoods, a friend's home or a farmers' market. Walk There! delivers gratifying discovery as people see first-hand the difference between driving by and walking within an area they thought they knew. The history of place and the secrets uncovered are inspiring as people see open spaces belong to those who walk them, step after step, while getting healthy.