Who We Are Vs What We Are: Establishing a Model of Cooperation in One Relationships
This Book is for our times Lorenzo Leonard renders a lucid and deeply honest look into the increasingly pervasive dissatisfaction with our way of life: a life-style that supports incredible material wealth and abundance for some while ignoring the spirtual and emotional excellence of each and every individual. The author puts forth ideas not often voiced in the mainstream culture that lend a profound insight and understanding to the perplexing issues of our day: cruelty, violence, sexual and racial inequities as well as the difficulty for individuals to establish satisfying and mutually supportive relationships.
We live in a society that teaches WHAT one is - typified by one's race, sex, role, social status and material wealth - is of far greater import than the essence of WHO one is - typified by the inherent excellence and good that one natually embodies. The former requires the practive of domination, power and control in all relationship. The latter would instead require that we adopt a model of cooperations that will ultimately lead to a new way of life in which dignity, emotional integrity, and responsibility prevail among the citizenery.