The European Dream
Intro: I was a young activist int he 1960's. Like many of my contemporaries, I found myself caught up in " The Great Social Upheaval." African Americans were demanding their right to sit at the front of the bus in Montgomery, Alabama, and marching on the streets of chicago with raised clenched fist, chanting "Black Power." American boys were coming home from Vietnam in body bags, first in dribbles, then in waves. Colege students were demanding an end to an unjust American war in Southeast Asia and barricading themselves in university administration offices in protest agains tan undemocratic educational system that denied them a voice and vote in academic decisions that affected their lives. Now more than thirty years later, the tables of turned. Much of the feelings we once had about what's wrong with the world and what needs to be done to remedy it failed to take root and mature here in America.