Martin Finds His Totem (Cajun Traiteur (Healer))
Martin Finds His Totem is a sequel to Martin's Quest (Blue Heron Press, 1995). Twelve-year old Martin Romero inherits the traiteur (treater or healing) tradition through his Grandmother Eulalie. The Cajun traiteur healings, still practiced in southwestern Louisiana and the setting of the book, were derived long ago from Chitimacha Native American tribal shamans. Martin's problems are set into motion by a hurricane and the acquaintance of Tim, abandoned at an evacuation center. Tim's abusive father is an African American voodooienne. Martin brings Tim to his home for care and becomes fascinated by voodoo, which begins to hinder Martin's healing abilities. Tim's father becomes a menace, threatening the lives of Tim, Martin and Renee, Martin's girlfriend. The book incorporates the history and culture of both Chitimacha Native American and Cajun healing traditions.