Who's Who of the Elite V9
For the first time the names of our rulers are all brought together between two covers in Who s Who of the Elite V9 ... This is a reference work you will want to keep handy so that whenever a notable is mentioned in the news you can immediately look him up to see if he is a member of the various secretive elitist groups that feel they are qualified to run your life for you. With this book, you can better arm yourself with the knowledge that has awakened hundreds of other people wondering about the same things you are. Many books will tell you the truth, but no other book condenses it all together in one source like this one. It lists the names, where they are affiliated and their job titles for: 9,506 members of the Council on foreign Relations. 2,287 members of the Skull & Bones Society, 1,816 members of the Bilderbergs, and 1,023 members of the Trilateral Commission. It s a tough job to run the world, but somebody s got to do it. This could be the motto of the characters in Who s Who of the Elite V9 .... If you were an anthropologist, you might call this tribe the Global Control Freaks ... These Global Good Old Boys Clubs and their membership are the focus of Who s Who of the Elite V9, a researcher s guide to the global hierarchy of money and power. It s like a Social register for Power mongers and though it s just a listing of their names with their day job affiliation, you can get a lot of insight by matching these names with the names in the news.