Bee in Balance: A Guide to Healing the Whole Person With Honeybees, Oriental Medicine and Commonsense
From the rear cover of this 267 page book: "A Guide to healing the whole person with honeybees, oriental medicine, and common sense. Amber Rose, L.Ac., L.C.S.W., has been a healer all her life. After graduating with special honors from the Universities of Chicago and Iowa, she went on to study at the Traditional Acupuncture Institute in Columbia, Maryland. Just as her psychotherapy experience alerted her to the value of acupuncture, Amber's acupuncture experience led her to Bee Venom Therapy (BVT). In this book, Amber shares her discovery of the healing miracles available with BVT; this approach to healing is unlike anything your have ever seen before. It is a synthesis of her experience with psychotherapy, acupuncture, and the remarkable healing power of honeybees."